You have been logged on with a temporary profile.
Hi, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 32 bit with Service Pack 1. I have installed Visual Studio 2010, but it was not working, then I followed the Visual Studio forum posts, and did adjustments and changes to my system after then When I am logging with Administrator account, I am getting this You have been logged on with a temporary profile. You cannot access your files and files created in this profile will be deleted when you log off. To fix this, log off and try logging on later. Please see the event log for details or contact your system administrator. I followed the event log, but still getting this. Please help.
April 20th, 2012 1:33am

1.Without knowing what you did no one can find solution. Would you detailed more the following? > it was not working, then I followed the Visual Studio forum posts, and did adjustments and changes to my system after then< 2. Temporary profile is created, when the current profile is in accessible. 3. Is this stand alone installation of do you work in domain? Regards Milos
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April 20th, 2012 8:24am

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