administrative/ access prevention help?

I was actually just curious as to if anyone can help me turn off administrative sharing or any other ways to prevent external components from accessing my computer? ive run the windows defender and malwarebytes with nothing to be found but seem to keep having some issues with my computer and I get the feeling it might be someone within the IP messing with me so any ways to make my computer inaccessible through the IP address or other means would be highly appreciated.

  • Edited by WaTheFox Monday, March 16, 2015 3:14 AM
March 16th, 2015 3:11am

well that im not exactly sure about? im really not the most savvy of users but trying to figure out what all administrative tools and access allows you to do. if im recalling correctly admin sharing allows other components to view what is being done with my computer such as apps and programs being run sites viewed ect. (granted this is bs ive only read through the internet and programs like avg anti-virus free and avg pc cleanup [uninstalled avg].) the issue im trying to address is that at particular moments when Im away from my computer programs seem to be getting shut down or changed particularly entertainment such as Spotify media players kissanime and such (what Im going to call drown out programs) things I run when im conversing or trying to gain some privacy like when my girl is here :x... sorry just getting really weirded out that they shut down as the acts are being engaged or in the process but don't seem to when im at the computer. so I guess im trying to figure out if its possible to prevent or shut down external mic or camera usage and preventing anyone from manipulating my computer or having ANY ACCESS TO MY COMPUTER PERIOD. essentially making it completely inaccessible without my permission. no one can see hear or manipulate anything I do with my computer outside of Microsoft, windows or immediate affiliates.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 16th, 2015 7:16am

I feel I should add that recently I do believe my computer was compromised I was notified that my computer was being attacked while watching a movie from a website forget what site. (Netflix was down so went to find the movie elsewhere). I was notified by email and facebook the next day that someone near Chicago was accessing my accounts got rid of 14 tracking cookies after the incident. reset my computer to factory, reset passwords ran three different anti-virus scans and malwarebytes and done damn near anything else I could think of to try and resolve the issue but still having these issues.

March 16th, 2015 8:03am

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