any body try win 7 on dial-up?
been using the RC 7100 build for a month or so and I think it is a big improvment over vista Except that it hates my dial up providers software. (it produces an error code that they don't even know) Connection speed varies radicaly during usage ( one minute it's 49kbs next minute it dives down to 26kbs) fails to maintain dns server connections. this cripples the web pages and links randomly also seems that you cannot use any forums (posting) also failed to recognize a newer modem (out the box) but it recognized one from a win 98 mach. Also I disabled the uac (annoying) but it still shows up on the task bar. (resource waste). also it is incompatible with my norwich micro tv card.(reverts to basic theam but half of the interface fails to function as well) installed win 7 RC into a compaq Evo with a 2.6 proc and 2 gig ram and a 256 nvidia card (4400?) system rated at 3.5 ended up just pulling the drive and reverting back to XP (took 9 minutes to get access to my hotmail account alone)found that even if the windows folders were not locked I could not look into them (access denied) kinda makes it dificult to extract any virus manualy if system becomes compromised even with admin rights. also got the same responce that I got from vista when I tried to diable services (contact admin) even if I was logged in as admin. what do I tell me ?
June 22nd, 2009 4:00pm

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