bugfix procedure
I was wondering how long it takes from a bug report to a fix in general. I've reported several bugs via http://mymfe.microsoft.com/Windows%20%207/Feedback.aspx?formID=195, but so far nothing has happened, and since there's no feedback it's impossible to know if it's a "Microsoft feature" (by design) or a "Microsoft accepted bug". ...or is the direct reporting of bugs not the way Microsoft wants to get them, but instead from the built in error reporting in Windows 7?
May 6th, 2011 7:00pm

I have some bad news. I've reported many bugs but generally if they are fixed, they are fixed the next release. Renee
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May 6th, 2011 9:53pm

Ok Renee, but there are small fixes every so often (support.microsoft.com/kb/...). What decides what to fix and what to leave for the next service pack? Your answer makes people think Microsoft has too good a profit to care much about customers.
May 7th, 2011 7:23pm

There is a three part answer to that as far as I know. It's tragic that it is a purely business decision. How much of marketshare is involved? Do I have personnel available to fix the problem? How much person power will it require? Renee
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May 7th, 2011 7:39pm

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