can't connect to harddrive from Win7-Win7 or WinXP-Win7
I can't connect to a harddrive on another computer...I see the computer, can connect and can also connect to folders where I have rights, but to a free harddrive I can't connect, there it says that I haven't the rights to connect..I can't ping to Win7 computers...Fr die Deutschen unter uns...Ich sehe Win7 Computer, kann auf sie auch zugreifen, aber auf eine freigegebene Festplatte kann ich nicht zugreifen, da habe ich anscheinend keine Berechtigung dafr.... auf andere freigegebene Ordner kann ich zugreifen...Ich kann Win7 Computer auch nicht anpingen
January 23rd, 2009 9:34pm

No ping says you have some hardware or protocolproblem. the address is being translated incorrectly. I would check with IPCONFIG for the addresses, and the 'default gateway'. Be sure you have the TCP/IP protocolon all of themRating posts helps other users Mark L. Ferguson MS-MVP
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February 4th, 2009 3:08am

If you are trying to connect to hard drive on the other computer you will need to obtain the computers certificate and place it in your Credentials manager.-
February 25th, 2011 11:28am

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