can't install any 3rd party software on windows 7
I have Windows 7 installed (64bit) on a Toshiba Satellitie with not very much special software added, however in the last few weeks I haven't been able to run any installers. That means from downloads (such as SkyPlayer), DVD (Football Manger), and updates to already-installer programs (Picassa). Downloading anything and running (I'm an admin user but also by selecting "Run as Admin") the installer or letting it run automatically seems to start the installer up (it'll unpack the MSI for example) but then everything stops. I can't open the task manager at that point and often can't even open any programs up - the CPU is running at 0% but memory is variable (I saw 46% whil trying to run the Picassa update last night). Eventually nothing is responding whatsoever (including the start menu) and I have to switch off manually and then restart in safe-mode to shut down properly. I'm wondering if there's been a Windows7 update which might have messed around with my UAC (although its turned off) or priviledges or something. Also wondered whether its a graphics driver issue and actually installers are running and just not being displayed but I suspect not. I'd really rather not have to roll the machine back or reinstall my OS so any ideas on how to solve this would be brilliant.
July 13th, 2010 10:37am

Hello gumbootroo, Welcome to Microsoft Technet Forums! I recommend trying the following: 1: Go to Windows Update. 2: Click on History of updates. (Something like that, I got a different launguage than English-OS so sorry) 3: Above you will see some text with there will stand somewhere: Installed Updates or something.. 4: Click on it and search the update that messed up with your computer, afther searching it right click it and hit delete, restart your computer and the update is fully gone. 5: Now try installing something! I would like to hear reply´s.
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July 14th, 2010 1:54am

Hi, I am assuming that some program may prevent installing the third party software. To resolve it, I would like to propose the following suggestions: 1. Clean Boot the system to install. 2. Restart Windows Installer: 1) Click Start and Type 'cmd' (without quotes) in the search bar, then run it as Administrator. 2) Close all the programs before moving to the following steps. 3) In command prompt, type 'msiexec /unregister' (without quotes and with a space between msiexec and /unregister)and press enter. 4) Type 'msiexec /regserver' (without quotes and with a space between msiexec and /regserver)and press enter. 5) Type 'net stop msiserver' (without quotes and with spaces between net and stop {and} stop and msiserver)and press enter. 6) Type 'net start msiserver' (without quotes and with spaces between net and start {and} stop and msiserver). 3. Run the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool to remove specific, prevalent malicious software from computers. Best Regards DalePlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
July 15th, 2010 9:31am

You may want to exaamine the ACL for your desktop folder. Browse to your desktop folder and right click for properties. Select permisions and advanced. Proceed to assign youself ownership and grant full permisions. You can enable and log on to the administrator account and see if the issue occurs when installing programs.
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July 15th, 2010 11:59am

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