can i disable virtual memory with my current ram setup?
I currently have an asus laptop with an i5 second gen processor. I upgraded the ram to 8 gig of ddr3. when the computer is idle the ram usage is: hardware reserved 89mb, modified 410mb, standby 1475 and free 4184mb. Is it necessary to utilise virtual memory in this instance? And will disabling it speed up my system or create problems. also, windows recommends having 12154mb of virtual memory. I can't see why it would need so much. can anybody help?
July 9th, 2011 7:11am

On Sat, 9 Jul 2011 10:59:46 +0000, temtemtem wrote: I currently have an asus laptop with an i5 second gen processor. I upgraded the ram to 8 gig of ddr3. when the computer is idle the ram usage is: hardware reserved 89mb, modified 410mb, standby 1475 and free 4184mb. Is it necessary to utilise virtual memory in this instance? And will disabling it speed up my system or create problems. also, windows recommends having 12154mb of virtual memory. I can't see why it would need so much. can anybody help? You should never disable the page file. 1. If you don't have a page file, you can't use all the RAM you have. That's because Windows preallocates virtual memory in anticipation of a possible need for it, even though that allocated virtual memory may never be used. Without a page file, that allocation has to be made in real memory, thus tying up that memory and preventing it from being used for any purpose. 2. There is never a benefit in not having a page file. If it isn't needed, it won't be used. Don't confuse allocated memory with used memory. Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP
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July 9th, 2011 12:09pm

many programs are coded to use the swap file in short, leave it alone Windows MVP, paid Remote Assistance is available for XP, Vista and Windows 7. My page on Video Card Problems is now my most popular landing page. See my gaming site for game reviews etc. Developer | Windows IT | Chess | Economics | Hardcore Games | Vegan Advocate | PC Reviews
July 9th, 2011 12:35pm

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