does win8/8.1/10 kill long-running programs automatically as stated in specs? reasons why?

does win8/8.1/10 kill/end-task long-running programs automatically as stated in specs? how specifically does it detect a locked-up process?

has this been put into windows 7 at any time to make it similar to windows 8?

Please supply accurate answers. thank you.

My understanding the reason for this change was to handle locked-up programs.

I do have a number of long-running processes. some examples of mine and scenarios for other users:

  • simulations on a Workstation or HPC Server
  • doing a directory tree walk on a hard disk with >=1TB of data

reference articles I have found on the subject:

windows 7

windows 8

From some of what I understand, you can also get the "Program Not Responding" or similarly titled dialog box when:

  • bug in the source code of the program in question. for instance, while(1){} such as forever loops (win7)
  • similar program bug when declaring a function one way but defining it a different way and then calling it (mismatch in function signature) (win7)
  • similar to above with DLLs in using MSVCRT*.DLL or other
  • (?) can't remember for sure on this, but I think some badly formed calls or it was invalid values or data type mismatch to Win32 API can do this from buggy code. (win7)
  • for (x=0; x < 16777216; x++) {your code here...} in other words, large values for loop termination (win7)

this is a repost of

here due to a request to do so.

March 30th, 2015 2:13am

does win8/8.1/10 kill/end-task long-running programs automatically as stated in specs? how specifically does it detect a locked-up process?

has this been put into windows 7 at any time to make it similar to windows 8?

Please supply accurate answers. thank you.

My understanding the reason for this change was to handle locked-up programs.

Hi Jim,

First, I have to admit that I'm not fully understanding the question, If a program is not responding, it means the program is interacting more slowly than usual with Windows, typically could be a confliction of software or hardware resources between two programs, lack of system resources, or a bug in the software or drivers. In that case, we can choose to wait or end the program. This design is similiar in Windows 7, Windows 8 and other OS.

For deeper analysis, system determines whether the system considers that a specified application is not responding using a "IsHungAppWindow function",

And this link also give some explanation: Preventing Hangs in Windows Applications

While I'm not a developer, to better understand this, I recommend you contact members in the MSDN Forum:

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March 31st, 2015 3:17am

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