Please also use following tool to check if there is any third part shell installed, if so, please remove it to check the results.
Since the issue can always be caused by incompatible shell extension.
We can also use shellexView to disable non-Microsoft related extensions of Windows Explorer:
1. Download ShellExView v1.41 from the following link
Please Note: The third-party product discussed here is manufactured by a company that is independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.
2. Extract "shexview.zip" file and open shexview.exe. It will scan the registry for all the shell extensions.
3. Select all the non-Microsoft extensions in pink by press "Ctrl" in the keyboard.
4. Click the "Disable Selected Items" on the toolbar and click Yes.
5. Restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.
If the issue still persists, please help to collect event log and the crash dump file for research:
First enable app crash dump collection by copying following words into notepad, saving it as dump.reg and importing it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\localdumps\explorer.EXE]
Then, open file explorer to repro the issue. If crash issue appeared, please find the crashdump file under c:\.
To further help you, please upload this file into Skydrive and shared the link here.
Also, you can try to analyze dump by yourself if you would like to
How to analyze app crash dump file: