feedback and sending data automatically and participation
when first working the RC, and there would be a problem you could send feedback. Working with rc2 and the system goes out and checks to see if there is a solution to a porblem; is all of that tracked as participation?
July 28th, 2009 4:49am

Guru - 1.) There was only one BETA and one RC. 2.) The feedback link/tool was removed from the RC to make it as much like the final product as possible. The RTM version, after all,won't have the feedback tool. 3.) When your system crashes under the RC and you've recovered or rebooted, you usually see a dialog box that pops up that asks you to send the crash report - it's all fairly standard and has been around since Windows XP. Those error reports would indeed be tracked to find issues. If you get say, 100 reports out of the blue where program X blows up in exactly the same way on 100 different systems, it may be there's an issue with that app.4.) If you find a bug or have an issue - you can always post the bug here in the Windows 7 forums.
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July 28th, 2009 7:50am

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