help newly built pc

I recently built my first pc and I installed windows 8.1 and was happy, then I installed a lan driver from my motherboard disc to connect my internet and everything was going good until the screen went back for a second maybe even less and my open pages minimized everything on the right on the bottom was gone (volume, time, internet icons) and the icons on my desktop where gone.  The only things that were left was the stuff on the left I could open the store and the Windows main page but when I clicked my opened pages they would not go full screen same thing when I had control panel or folders opened.  I put the mouse over them I could see the page I had opened but could not unminize it.  So I restarted my pc and the screen to log back in with my password was blank orange (the color I picked) it is very frustrating and I can't figure out what is wrong can anyone please help me solve this issue.

I guess I should also mention that it only does this when my internet is connected or the lan drive is installed, tried to restore and reset it but it didn't solve the problem.  When I did both of those I could log in and everything was normal but then random times it minimizes everything and so on

February 6th, 2015 11:30pm

Restart with shutdown -r -f -o -t 0 , go to boot menu (F8), choose Safe mode, go to Device Manager and remove problematic driver. Restart.

Use current driver from motherboard vendor!



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February 7th, 2015 5:35am

Please provide us with your Event Viewer administrative logs by following these steps:

Click Start Menu
Type eventvwr into Search programs and files (do not hit enter)
Right click eventvwr.exe and click Run as administrator
Expand Custom Views
Click Administrative Events
Right click Administrative Events
Save all Events in Custom View As...
Save them in a folder where you will remember which folder and save as Errors.evtx
Go to where you saved Errors.evtx
Right click Errors.evtx -> send to -> compressed (zipped) folder
Upload the .zip file to Onedrive or a file sharing service and put a link to it in your next post * If you have updated to win 8.1 and you get the error message "the system cannot find the file specified" it is a known problem.  The work around is to edit the registry.  If you are not comfortable doing this DONT.  If you are, backup the key before you do Press Win+"R" and input regedit
Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels. Delete "Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic"
February 7th, 2015 8:06am

screen went back for a second maybe even less and my open pages minimized everything on the right on the bottom was gone (volume, time, internet icons) and the icons on my desktop where gone.

Looks like a (common) problem with a video driver.  nVidia users in particular seem to see this.  E.g. a possible explanation for your symptom is you are now looking at the second half of an extended display and (to account for a missing Taskbar) either it has a different screen resolution or  the second screen simply does not have a Taskbar specified.  So, your open windows and Taskbar would still be viewable on the other screen. 

Then you would have several possible workarounds.  Simplest and most appropriate until you actually had a second monitor to worry about would be to combine the two into a Duplicate scenario.  For example, to combine the two press Win-P CursorUp Enter (as if you can see and use the Project dialog according to this hypothesis) to switch from Extend to Duplicate.

Alternatively, you could do whatever it takes to make stuff that was showing on the other screen to be moved or duplicated on the one that you are viewing.  For example, you might be able to get your Taskbar showing on that screen by using Taskbar Properties to check:

    Show taskbar on all displays

And you could move windows back to the screen you are looking at in various ways.



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February 7th, 2015 1:49pm

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