how do I turn on the windows firewall
somehow my windows firewall was turned off . How do I turn it back on ?1 person needs an answerI do too
April 15th, 2010 9:23pm

Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall..... Settings. Do note that a few years ago most major personal software firewall products automatically turn off the Windows Firewall when installed. This avoids conflicts in having two personal firewalls (as opposed to hardware firewalls in broadband routers etc) running - NOT recommended. Also check out the Security Center in Control Panel. I have tried using Windows XP Firewall and Windows Vista Firewall running with other commercial firewalls and did not experience problems. The general rule of thumb is ONE antivirus and and antispyware product with real Time Protection activated, and ONE personal software firewall active. The problems are heightened in using more than one of antivirus products with real time protection activated like shareware (pay) antivirus or free (highly rated) Microsoft Essentials (formerly Windows One Care) - NOT the free home versions without this as "stand alone scanners".Gerald60606 Windows Live Spaces
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April 16th, 2010 3:07am

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