how do i pin a shortcut to an MMC console to the taskbar?

I have a shortcut to an MMC console. I've used this shortcut in windows xp, windows 7, and windows 8. I can pin that shortcut to the start screen in windows 8.1, but I can't right-click the icon pinned on start and add to taskbar. I can't drag the shortcut from the desktop to the taskbar. I Can put a shortcut into  

C:\Users\utterly.baffled\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar

which also contains all the other shortcuts i have pinned to my taskbar, but this MMC shortcut does not actually show up on the taskbar.

this behaves the same whether the MMC is saved on my C drive or out on a share.

January 27th, 2014 5:37pm

so instead of just having a shortcut to


like I had in every previous version of windows,

I have to create a shortcut to

%windir%\system32\mmc.exe c:\folder\SavedConsole.msc

I guess we can only have shortcuts to exes on the taskbar.

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January 27th, 2014 6:10pm

so instead of just having a shortcut to


like I had in every previous version of windows,

I have to create a shortcut to

%windir%\system32\mmc.exe c:\folder\SavedConsole.msc

I guess we can only have shortcuts to exes on the taskbar.

  • Marked as answer by John_Curtiss Monday, January 27, 2014 11:08 PM
January 28th, 2014 2:07am


Thanks for your effort and sharing on this issue.

This will benefit others who encounter the similar issue as yours.

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January 28th, 2014 8:04pm

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