how to i COMPLETELY delete trustedinstaller?
hello, I am an IT-manager in education. so i sometimes need cmd taskmanager etc etc. but there is one thing that is bothering me.. trusted installer, this is my online account therefor i am administrator. i just need to get rid of this. i don't feel the need of buying windows 7 profressional. my pc is all standard. it's almost new. it is the asus k53s(if that helps any) the things i tried: 1. made myself full acces(to cmd) 2. fully denied trustedinstaller 3. i even tried programs. didn't work either i really hope someone can help me here. yours sincerely SF PS: i apologize in advance for my english. i know it is not perfect. but i hope you guys can understand.
March 28th, 2012 5:59am

When you say trusted installer? Do you mean Windows Installer 4.5? Are you talking about click once deployment?
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March 28th, 2012 10:36pm

Your english is fine. But all you did was copy/paste. This doesn't help us disable Trusdtedinstaller.exe, which takes up a GODLY amount of my processor.
July 14th, 2012 3:06pm

I do not have an answer to your question... however I actually found this utility that will help to restore TrustedInstaller as owner if you find yourself having to change owners on a directory that TrustedInstaller is the default. How to Restore TrustedInstaller as Default Owner of a File, Folder or Registry Key in Windows Hope it helps. Good luck.AnonYmous
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July 21st, 2012 10:41am

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