how to index a mapped drive
my PC is running windows 7 Enterprise, it is a member of an SBS 2008 domain. I can add a mapped drive to my indexing options as well as UNC paths, I can even add mapped drives on another windows 2003 sbs server and it indexes just fine. I have a client running windows 7 professional as a member of an SBS 2003 domain. on his computer, adding a mapped drive is not available, they just don't show up in the list when he clicks on <indexing options>,<Modify>. what is the difference that is causing the different behavior? is this because of the version of windows 7? is it the server version? I did install windows search 4.0 on the server and allowed it to fully index the data drive, also added .adm template for windows search 4.0. I did not see any options that would have disabled indexing a mapped drive. another issue for my client is that if he searches for a document with "monday-day1" as the search string, he gets many results that do not match the requested string. we have rebuilt the index a few times, no change. thanks in advance for any help.
April 27th, 2010 10:24pm

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