how to login administrator account in windows 7
hi how to login addministrator account in windows 7
June 30th, 2011 11:16am

Hi Shrikant, If you look at the right-hand side panel you will see many related topic questions on this which have been answered. E.g. The one called "Windows 7 administrator"
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June 30th, 2011 1:01pm

hi how to login addministrator account in windows 7 1.If you are NOT an admin, or you do NOT have the admin password, then, none of the " related topics " on the right side of this thread will help you. Simply put, you don't have the admin right to execute any of those methods. 2. If you are referring to the built-in Admin account .... If you are the admin, then I fail to see the reason why you want to enable the built-in Admin Account. The only difference between the 2 is that UAC will sometimes prompt your own admin account for permissions while it won't do that to the built-in admin account. 3. Assuming you are the admin, and you want to enable the built-in Admin Account : Start button > in the search box, type cmd > top left, right click at cmd.exe > click Run As Administrator > at the flashing prompt, compy/paste this command line ..... net user administrator /active:yes > press Enter key > exit cmd window. Your built-in admin account is now enabled > go to safe mode and you'll see it. If it solves your problem, I did it. If it does not, my twin brother did it.
July 1st, 2011 5:54pm

Enable / Disable the Local (Hidden, Built-In) Administrator Account in Windows 7 Many people familiar with prior versions of Windows are curious what happened to the built-in Administrator account that was always created by default. Does this account still exist, and how can you access it? Reset Windows Administrator Account Password
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 4th, 2011 6:40am

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