how to put music in the app


I just installed windows 8.1 on my new PC. The thing is, my OS is installed in an SSD while my other files are on another hard drive. I am having trouble adding music to the music app and picture videos etc....

I tried to put the songs in the music folder stored in the ssd and the music app works. However I would like to put all memory intensive files in the hard drive as my ssd will not be able to accommodate 3000 songs. I've tried the suggestions of the others by hitting settings in the music app, then click choose Folder where we can get music. If the content is in the hard drive it will not recognize it, but if you put the music files in the music folder located in the ssd it will work.

Please help.

Thank you.

January 16th, 2014 8:11pm

you could have issues with "Junction Pointers"


How to Create Directory Junctions in Windows 8?

To create a directory junction in Windows 8, instructions given below must be followed:

Log on to Windows 8 computer with the administrator account.

Click Desktop tile from the Start screen to go to the desktop.

Once on the desktop screen, click File Explorer icon from the taskbar.

On the displayed Libraries window, navigate and locate the folder or drive (except C drive) on which directory junction of a folder is to be created.

Once located, press and hold the Shift key, and right-click the folder.

From displayed context menu, click Open command window here.

On the opened Command Prompt window, type MKLINK /J ABC-JUNCTION C:\PROGRAM FILES command, and press Enter to create a directory junction of program files. Where ABC-JUNCTION is a directory junction name of program files folder.

Close Command Prompt window when done.

How to Move Directory Junctions across Different Drives in Windows 8?

In order to move directory junctions across different drives in Windows 8, step-by-step instructions given below must be followed:

Log on to Windows 8 computer administrator account.

Download and install the appropriate version of Junction Master from the links in the next step.

http://bitsum. com/files/beta/junctionmastersetup64.exe for 64-bit Windows 8
http://bitsum. com/files/beta/junctionmastersetup32.exe for 32-bit Windows 8.
Once installed, right-click the newly created directory junction i.e. ABC-JUNCTION.

From the displayed context menu, click MOVE and then LINK folder to option.

On User Account Control confirmation box, click Yes to provide administrative consents to launch Junction master application with the elevated privileges.

On the displayed MoveAndLink warning box, click Yes.

On the opened box, click the browse button opposite to New backing drive/folder field.

On the opened Browse for Folder box, browse for and locate the different drive or folder to which the selected junction is to be moved.

Once located, click to select the folder or drive, and click OK.

Back on the previous box, click Move and Link button to move the directory junction to the selected folder.

Once done, click OK.

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January 16th, 2014 8:53pm


Thank you for the immediate reply. But just to clarify a few more things the junction pointer should be put on the music folder where the music files are actually located right? In this case the music folder in my hard drive?


January 16th, 2014 10:29pm

I can't seems to make the junction work in keeps on telling me this error message." one or more files are in use or insufficient rights exist.
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January 17th, 2014 4:43am

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