join home group ivp6 laptop problem
Hi folks, I have installed win7 32 on lenovo 3000 n100 laptop and tried to join home group on desktop but get the ivp6 error - stupid thing is that although everything seems to be turned on in services etc the disabledcomponents reg entry is still 255 even if I change it and reboot, I even tried deleting it but it was recreated on bootup with the same 255 value instead of 0. any ideas what is disabling ivp6 so it won't stick?
November 12th, 2009 6:50pm

Hi, Please try the following check the IPV6 related settings: How to disable certain Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) components in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 For the relationship between HomeGroup and IPV6, please also refer to: Support for IPv6 in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 Please note the section HomeGroup. Thanks.Nicholas Li - MSFT
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November 16th, 2009 1:51pm

Hi, I did actually try to disable/enable ipv6 - as you can see from the post, but it seems is impossible to alter the registry because it simply recreates it again with the 255 entry (disable) rather than 0 (enable). However I believe this is a complete red herring and other people may find this too - of my 3 machines 2 have it at 255, one has 0 and, most importantly, the other one with the 255 setting has no problems! I have just discovered that these attempts to reset ivp6 are not the problem - and other people may also be led astray by this message from windows that ivp6 is not enabled, as in fact there is nothing wrong with ivp6, the 'error' is that password protected sharing needs to be turned off! - you would have thought windows would flag that up instead of this incorrect message about ivp6! maybe a minor bug? Thanks for your thoughts on it - hope others who read this will find the password sharing solves their problem too - I've seen the problem on other forums with ever more desperate tinkering - not always a good idea!
November 16th, 2009 6:13pm

Hi, Please also run HomeGroup Troubleshooter and see if some issues can be found and fixed.Nicholas Li - MSFT
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November 19th, 2009 1:06pm

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