local password problem


I am running Windows 8.1 on my home PC. When first installing Windows (a clean install a few months ago) I made a Microsoft account that is now associated (in a way I do not totally understand) to my computer. As part of setting up the computer, I went to the User Account screen and disabled "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer."

Then the other day I changed my computer name through the System Properties window. Now when I boot up my computer I receive a message "Username or password is incorrect. Try again". This even though the "Users must enter..." box is still unchecked in the User Account screen.

I don't know my local password, and have to login to my computer using my Miscrosoft account credentials. When I try to change my local password through the Computer Management screen, I get an error message saying "The system is not authoritative for the specified account and therefore cannot complete the operation. [...]"

Can anyone help? Really all I want is not to have to log in when I boot my computer, but I also want to understand what is going on.

January 25th, 2014 11:58am


Microsoft policy about lost or forgotten passwords http://support.microsoft.com/kb/189126/en-us

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January 26th, 2014 4:38am

Thanks for the pointer! I already know my Windows Live password, so do not need to reset it. My question is how to use this password to automatically log on.

I've realized since posting that this is not the right forum for my issue. Sorry for wasting space!

January 26th, 2014 4:18pm

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