lync 2013 and DNS requirement


Suppose i have setup one frontend server enterprise server and one edge role. without Reverse proxy as it is optional. 

What would be public dns record would be. speically like dialin, meet, and admin, autodiscover etc. 

Edge have following and

February 27th, 2015 8:17am

You can use Lync 2013 Planning tool, which will help to figure out the DNS and Firewall rules required.

You can find it at    

Please go through the below links for DNS requirements.

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February 27th, 2015 9:04am

Good afternoon,

In a basic setup where your Edge server has 3 public IPs (one for each service) then you would have 3 public DNS records for Edge as you have already mentioned; access, web conferencing, and AV.

Other public DNS records that are typically published are for meet, dialin, webext (external web services), lyncdiscover, wac (office web apps)... all these records would typically point to your Reverse Proxy which would then pass these requests onto your front end pool(s). Without a reverse proxy you have no way of leveraging these records - don't pass or NAT them directly to your front end despite what you read.

If you're asking what you should point these at in the event you don't have a Reverse Proxy, then you don't, and instead forgo the services that those DNS records offer.

You'll also have a couple of SRV records in your external name space for federation and autodiscover.

Kind regards

February 27th, 2015 9:52am

Thank you Ben Donaldson for a helpful reply. I need to understand few of the points you raised by you, which I am quoting below in bold:

"Without a reverse proxy you have no way of leveraging these records - don't pass or NAT them directly to your front end despite what you read."

Do you mean to say that there is no way of avoiding the reverse proxy?

If you're asking what you should point these at in the event you don't have a Reverse Proxy, then you don't, and instead forgo the services that those DNS records offer.

Yes I do not have the reverse proxy but I still want to point the records, could you please help in this scenario.

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March 3rd, 2015 7:29am

I would not recommend this in a production environment and neither would anyone.

But if you want to use this for testing purposes, you can point/NAT the following records to your Front End server.

BTW, a reverse proxy is not optional in a production environment.

March 4th, 2015 1:28pm

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