microsoft fix center error code 16977921-2147023836
Remember - This is a public forum so never post private information such as email or phone numbers!IdeaPrograms you are having problems with Error messages Recent changes you made to your computer What you have already tried to fix the problem microsoft fix center has encountered an unexpected error please try again .error code 16977921-21470238361 person needs an answerI do too
February 13th, 2011 8:23pm

Hi Alemhailu,1. What is the original issue you have?2. Which fixit tool did you try?3. Do you have the link for the fixit you tried?Provide us more information on the issue so we can assist you better.Regards,Manasa P – Microsoft Support.
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February 14th, 2011 1:48pm

hi manasa.. my problem was when i was trying to open mr fix (microsoft fix center)it wouldn't open instead a message box,it said " microsoft fix center has encountered an unexpected error,please try again.error code:16977921-2147023836 " after i click ok for that box there is another box it said "unable to dowenload troubleshooters,please check your internet connection ." and it aske me to send error report. that is the problem i have please help...thanks
February 14th, 2011 8:39pm

Do you mean you see an error message like this:Microsoft Fix-it Center has encountered an unexpected error, please try again. Error Code 16977921-2147024891.What is the issue you are having that you think Fix-it Center will resolve, or do you just want to install it for the fun of it?What is your XP version and Service Pack?You must have at least Service Pack 3 to use the Fix-it Center.You also most have installed on your system at least Microsoft MSXML 6.0.Check in Add/Remove Programs and see what version of MSXML you have and if it is not at least 6.0, uninstall all the old MSXML programs (the old version is 4.0). There may be several MSXML KB items listed. Uninstall all of it/them since you are going to reinstall the latest version.If Fix-it Center also show up in Add/Remove Programs, uninstall it because you are going to reinstall it too.Reboot, check Add/Remove Programs and make sure the old MSXML stuff is really gone, then using Internet Explorer, go to the Microsoft Live Update site and download and install MSXML 6.0, reboot.If you don't see MSXML 6.0 offered in the Live Update, download and install it from here: installing, reboot your system.Then run your Fix-it Center install again (you uninstalled it before, right?)Do, or do not. There is no try.I decided to save up points for a new puppy instead of a pony!
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February 14th, 2011 9:12pm

hi, after i installed msxml 6.0 that error message stop coming. now i have another problem,after downloading the fix center there is a message box it said ("additional software is requried to run fix fix framework 2.0 or higher (required)please install additional required software and run the fix it center setup again") after the message i dowenload and install the net framework 2.0 and i start downloading the fix center again i got the same message to download (the framework 2.0)even after i already downloading.what should i do,by the way my xp version is service pack 3. thanks!!
February 15th, 2011 6:13pm

You're making progress!I don't know about the .NET Framework thing, but I think I would back up again a little bit...I have not installed Fix-It in a long time so maybe my notes are out of date.You may also have to have the .NET 2.0 installed before starting the Fix-It installation (that means I will have to make some new notes).I would uninstall the Fixit, reboot, then download and install the .NET 2.0, reboot, then start over with the Fixit setup/installation.It would be enlightening to know what issues you are having you think the Fix-It will help you with, unless you are just installing it to see how it works.If you are having some issues you think Fix-It will correct, if Fix-It does not correct then, you need to be able to fix them another way.Somebody else may have some other ideas.Do, or do not. There is no try.I decided to save up points for a new puppy instead of a pony!
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February 16th, 2011 5:42am

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