msiexec returns 1067 (%ERRORLEVEL%), but installation is rendered as successful in meanwhile
I'm working on automation software deployment. When I try to install one product using .bat file. Using command line (like "msiexec /i some.msi /l log.txt /qb-), and then checking the result returned by msiexec (if ERRORLEVEL 0), I got 1067 error. But something very intresting happens - even I got an error, software is installed successfully in meanwhile. Not at once I got the error, but in 20-30 minutes software is installed. During this 20-30 minutes it seems that nothing really happens: No new entries into log file (log.txt, written by msiexec.exe)Process msiexec.exe still exists even it already returned an error into %ERRORLEVEL%No new event appears in eventvwr.msc After this amount of time, following things happens: New entries appear into system log, about successful installation compeletionLog file is written to the end, with corresponding message about successmsiexec.exe disappears from process list What is going on? How can I check from command line that product is successfully installed? I can only mention two factors: Such installations are primary made on Windows 2008 R2 Server (but sometimes such behavior is observed on Win Pro 7 x64)Installation is made in terminal sessionInstallation often longs about 1-2 hours (heavy product with a lot of custom actions), even successful Can I just ignore 1067 error and wait about 1 hour and be sure the product is installed? Can it be caused by terminal session? P.S. Sorry for inappropriate forum, I didn't find any more matching place for this. Feel free to transfer it to corresponding forum.
June 13th, 2012 11:47am

Though this (and/or ) is for W XP, there are steps, that can be tested in W 7. Regards Milos
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June 13th, 2012 3:47pm

Hi, answering you questions: 1) Whether all the programs get the error message when using msiexec to install? I have run 3 different installation packages (msi) - all are pretty large (~1GB, >150k files, extensive use of Custom Actions). All of them results in getting same error (1067) as %ERRORLEVEL% returned by msiexec. All were installed in unattended mode with usage "msiexec /i *.msi /qb- /l*v log.txt". 2) Whether any error message received when trying to install a program? Hard to say. The only error I got is %ERRORLEVEL% returned by msiexec in command prompt. But! The process of msiexec still exists in process list, and continues installation process. (Possibly child process of one that I run from cmd line) If wait enough time (wait for disappearing of msiexec) and then look into System Log or msiexec's log (/l*v log.txt) - I see only information about successful installation. But it require quite a lot time to get this (possibly depends on package). Also programs can be see as installed in "Install/Remove software..." Control Panel applet after msiexec process ends. 3) Whether this installed program could run normally? Yes. Programs are run normally, if run them only after wait for confirmation of their successful installation from logs. I have done steps you provide - Error still appears. The requirement to use msiexec is for use unattended installation (for testing purposes). P.S. I can additionally repeat only platform details: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (Service Pack 2) Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2 All installations are made in terminal sessions.
July 5th, 2012 5:16am

What if you don't use the bat file to do the install? What if you run from a cmd as Administrator e.g. msiexec /i *.msi /l*v log.txt Does it show you an error that way?PLEASE MARK ANY ANSWERS TO HELP OTHERS Blog: Twitter: @Rorymon
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July 5th, 2012 4:48pm

>>What if you don't use the bat file to do the install? The installation goes without errors, and results in successfully installed product. But when I use bat-file&msiexec - result is the same, except %ERRORLEVEL% (1067) and the need to wait some additional time after msiexec returns this error into bat file. >>What if you run from a cmd as Administrator e.g. msiexec /i *.msi /l*v log.txt >>Does it show you an error that way? One of my account is administrator. But UAC is enabled. Error is reproduced. And all those installations don't require administration priveleges. They are successfully installed (without msiexec /qb-) with simple user accounts.
July 5th, 2012 8:28pm

Hi there. I have just discovered new information about my problem. Eventually, after msiexec returned 1067 error again, I have started another installation package (completly different product). Everything was going ok, till in middle the message box appears, there was a message (i didn't record it entirely - i will do it soon) told me that: 1) My previous installation (that msiexec returned 1067 error) is suspended 2) Before installation of new product, I must recover original state (rollback) or complete my previous installation (commit) So, I think my previous installation always go into suspended state. So I have several questions: 1) How to see suspended installations on machine? 2) How to resume them, allow them to complete? 3) How to prevent installation process from suspending if possible? Thanks in advance.
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July 16th, 2012 11:20am

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