netsh winhttp does not appear to work. Any suggestions why?
I have Win7 Pro totally up-to-date. I have a batch file in startup folder (programs menu) which works (I know it works as the app starts when expected). In the batch file is a proxy setting which does not work. After the batch file is run and I then check Internet Settings > LAN Settings the proxy settings are as they were last time I changed them manually. 'netsh winhttp' does not seem to work! When executed in command it appears to work and does not throw up any error messages. Even 'netsh winhttp show proxy' displays the correct setting but proxy is not changed. rem ---------------------Start of Batch File------------------- @echo off netsh winhttp reset proxy ping | find "Reply" > nul if %errorlevel%==0 goto school :home start C:\Users\rampet\Desktop\MetroTwit.appref-ms rem Do Other Stuff goto exit :school netsh winhttp set proxy "" :exit exit rem ---------------------End of Batch File-------------------
June 16th, 2012 7:13pm

1. It pays off to read netsh /? to fing right syntax. here is an excerpt from it: set proxy myproxy set proxy myproxy:80 "<local>;bar" set proxy proxy-server="http=myproxy;https=sproxy:88" bypass-list="*" It would suffice to use netsh winhttp set proxy 2. This script should be run with elevated rights (Run as Administrator, either from elevated command prompt or Scheduled Task) Regards Milos
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June 17th, 2012 5:00am

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