netsh wlan hostednetwork

I created a hostednetwork so i can connect my android phone to the internet through my laptop. However it didnt work out and know i want to delete it but i cant.

I tried -netsh wlan delete profile name="" i=* but it sais that the name was not found on any interface.. apparently i am doing the name wrong. can someone tell me where to find the name?

April 5th, 2015 6:40pm

information on how to accomplish my first thought (connect phone to wifi through laptop) will be appreciated
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April 5th, 2015 6:43pm

Hi Papadopoulos N,

We can use " netsh wlan show profiles " to check the profiles and then use "netsh wlan delete profile name="ProfileName" " to delete it .
Here is a link for reference :
Manage wireless network profiles

As for creating a wifi ,here is a link for reference(Please ensure "hosted network suppored "is supported):
How to Create a WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt
NOTE: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.

Best regards

April 6th, 2015 12:30am

I tried this before but it doesnt mention anywhere the profile i hosted, only the profiles i connected.

I used -netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=* but still the hostednetwork exists. Using the -netsh wlan show hostednetwork i can see it, it is just deactivated.

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April 10th, 2015 10:30am

 Using the -netsh wlan show hostednetwork i can see it, it is just deactivated.

I only see an SSID name that way.  I don't think that is necessarily a "profile".  In fact, I can see that with

netsh  wlan  show  ne

April 12th, 2015 2:13am

 In fact, I can see that with

netsh  wlan  show  networks

with that i can see the active networks in the range of my adaptor, i dont think it has something to do with it
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April 15th, 2015 5:07pm

I tried this before but it doesnt mention anywhere the profile i hosted, only the profiles i connected.

I used -netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=* but still the hostednetwork exists. Using the -netsh wlan show hostednetwork i can see it, it is just deactivated.

April 15th, 2015 5:08pm

I tried this before but it doesnt mention anywhere the profile i hosted, only the profiles i connected.

I used -netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=* but still the hostednetwork exists. Using the -netsh wlan show hostednetwork i can see it, it is just deactivated.

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April 15th, 2015 9:06pm

I tried this before but it doesnt mention anywhere the profile i hosted, only the profiles i connected.

I used -netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=* but still the hostednetwork exists. Using the -netsh wlan show hostednetwork i can see it, it is just deactivated.

April 15th, 2015 9:06pm

Hi Papadopoulos N,

Have you checked the link as I posted before to create the hostednetwork ?
Please notice that the "Hosted network supported" is supported.

"I used -netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=* but still the hostednetwork exists"
Have you tried to restart the machine to have a check ?

We can refer to the link as I posted before to create the hosted network.We may need to update the network adapter driver or reinstall it before we try to create a new hosted network .

"Using the -netsh wlan show hostednetwork i can see it, it is just deactivated."
We can try "netsh wlan start hostednetwork" to activate it .

Best regards

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April 15th, 2015 9:51pm

I checked the link you posted.

Hosted network is supported.

I tried to restart it and try again but yet the same thing.

April 16th, 2015 9:47pm

Hi Papadopoulos N,

Try the following command line to remove the configuration to have a check .
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow ssid="SSIDName"
Here is a link for reference of this command line (Pay attention to Vijay Bisht1s answer) :
How do I clear / delete hostednetwork configuration?

Then refer to the link I posted before and create it again to have a check .Before we try to create a hosted network again ,we can reinstall the network adapter driver first .It is recommended to download the driver from the manufacturer website.

Best regards

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April 17th, 2015 2:10am

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