network microsoft loopback adapter

I was advised to post this here so.....

Ok here goes maybe I'm missing something so any suggestion would help.


I have a PC that is running a server for a virtual world, if you are familiar with Second Life you will know what I mean.  I use this for both work and personal projects.  For two years now this has run with no problem on a PC with Windows 7, the software is called "Opensim" when I first set it up all I did was set a static IP address and used the Microsoft loopback adapter.  This way I could access the VRW(virtual reality world) from within to complete testing and interact.  More or less this allowed me to call myself on the same telephone as well as answer, which is what a loopback adapter is for.   I could not do this without the loopback due to being on the same PC as the server.  I setup port forwarding on my router, setup the static IP address, and added the loopback adapter.  All this worked fine for two years, recently I updated and purchased a larger PC ( more memory, disk, etc.) this new PC also has Windows 8 I moved over the "Opensim" software and all configuration files no changes needed.  I had some trouble finding the Microsoft loopback adapter for Windows 8, but I found it and installed it. 


Now, the software has no changes, the router an Actiontec has no changes the same rules for the port forwarding are in place already from the old PC using Windows 7.  I setup the same set of rules for the Microsoft Firewall as before, installed the loopback adapter, and set a static IP address same as before.  Now the older PC with Windows 7 has been removed from the network, so there are no conflicts in IP addressing.


When I start up the Windows 8 PC, the "Opensim" software runs OK, the VRW is created and the server is up and running.  Other users not on my network can access the VRW and everything is fine, so no problem there.  The problem comes in when I try to connect on the same PC as the server as I did in the past to test.  The connection is not being made, it will hang, or timeout.


If I unplug the router cable from the Windows 8 PC, and plug it in the Windows 7 PC the server runs fine and the loopback works I can access the VRW while being on the same PC as the server.  Keep in mind the only differences between the two severs is one is running Windows 7 the other

Windows 8.  Unless there has been more then a name change to the loopback adapter this should work......the two servers are a mirror of my setup.


So anyone know what I missed.   Both servers are using the same software with no changes to the configuration.  Both are hooked up to the same router with the same port forwarding rules.  Both have a static IP address that matches the port forwarding rules .  The only differences is  when I hook up the Windows 7 server with the Windows 7 loopback adapter it works as it always did.  When I disconnect the Windows 7 server and hook up the Windows 8 server with the Windows 8 loopback adapter it will hang or timeout?


Any help on this would be appreciated.

October 1st, 2013 2:28pm

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