network not available?
Using Windows 7 pro. This persistent error raised its ugly head approx 1 month ago. We have not logged /downloaded anything suspicious around this time. Microsoft has , however auto updated as usual? So what is the problem?? The network sporadically goes offline? message when highlighted says (limited ACCESS?) we: DISCONNECT AND RE-CONNECT - Then all is OK for a while? I have read various Microsoft forums relating to the same issue. (Network gateway not available?) Yes' we have/had a 5 year old 3Com wireless modem (as you said to another user - maybe getting to old?) So, we bought a new "N' series Linksys 2 adsl /router/modem (Faster than anything in the universe!!). (Yea! this will do the TRICK??) And "Lo & Behold the same old keeps happening? I have read that you (Microsoft) have recommended NVIDIA problems? / Modem Problems? and various other??. But, Come on!! These requests (as this one) are coming from all over the World & We all were working OK up until Approximately 1 x Month ago. I Have just purchased a new piece of Hardware, like it seems many others have to no avail? Please give us ALL an Answer to this erroneous problem??
July 4th, 2012 6:17am

Hi, Please try the following suggestions and let me know the result. 1. Test if the issue occur in Safe Mode. 2. Test if the issue occur in Clean Boot. 3. Update the latest network adapter driver from computer manufacturer's website for a test. 4 . If the issue occurs again, please help me collect the information of ipconfig /all command and paste here.Niki Han TechNet Community Support
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July 5th, 2012 4:20am

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