offline files
Hi, I have problems with Offline Files. The problem is in the startup (boot) of Vista. There is a lot of disk activity. Monitoring of the system showed the process svchost.exe was scanning most of the files on the local harddrive. In a normal system this is not so bad, but if you have offline files, it also scans all offline files (CSC directory). I have a system with about 5GB of Offline Files. The system is a brand new system (SATA disk, 2GB RAM, good cpu), but it takes about 45min of disk activity before it calms down. During the 45minutes startup, the system is virtually unusable (very slow). I found out if I disable Offline Files and Superfetch. I do not get this scanning. Only disabling Superfetch did not avoid the scanning of these files. Disabling Offline Files speeds up the startup, but the scanning continues, although the start time is a lot less timeconsuming. I would really like to be able to use Offline Files and Superfetch. But for now I disabled both, otherwise Vista is unusable for me. I did not find any advice on these problems. It sure would be great to be able to exclude the Offline files (CSC directory) from being scanned by Superfetch or being scanned at all during boot. Can anyone help me out? Thank you. Best regards. Bart.
April 19th, 2007 11:09pm

I have this same exact issue. Only my offline files are 30 GB. It's all my media files (mp3's, jpg's, etc.). By sharing these from my desktop, I can take them along with me on my laptop. Also, I always have more than one copy of the files....kinda like a backup. In addition, if I add a music file on my's added to my desktop automagically. Great feature, but like you I can't use it now.
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May 3rd, 2007 2:07pm

I think SuperFetch is innocent from this activity issue. Windows Vista has an instantnous search capablitiy, it needs to index all offline files stored in the local drives so that they're instantly searched. You'll need to disable indexing from Indexing options in Control Panel to avoid this. Good luck
May 4th, 2007 11:17am

Hi You dont have to completely disable indexing, try to disable indexing just the offline content. Open the Control Panel Click Indexing Options Click Modify Remove the checkmark in Offline Files If you wish to fine tune the index locations click Show all locations and use the Change selected locations section to select the items/folders that you wish to index. Regards Thomas
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July 10th, 2007 2:33pm

I have an issue with offline files that is causing me issues. Recently started with a new laptop with Vista Business installed and i have offline files with two servers at work (Both Server 2003 Small Business). The problem is that every few minutes the offline files seem to transfer the entire amount (300 MB) via the LAN to my computer - not much of an issue when I'm at work, but I often work via VPN at home. On Tuesday this week my system transferred in total 6GB of data just doing this. Hoe do I stop this? So far I have tried stopping Remote Differential Compression Windows DFS Replication Service And also stopped indexing on the Offline files (while keeping it for my Outlook) Help!
September 5th, 2007 11:20pm

There would come out a QFE patch from Microsoft in the near future which will resolve these problems with Offline Files.And the worst case scenario we'll have to wait for SP1 to have this fixed!
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September 7th, 2007 4:22pm

Microsoft has released a hotfix, however I hadn't the chance yet to try it out: Please let us know your experiences.
September 10th, 2007 4:19pm

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