pc froze
i got the xp home (greek) the problem is that my scrin go of and when i begin writing to someone ither on facebook or in any placethen it frozees and the scrin gos of but i still hear the radio that i am listening to or the sound of a movie i am watching what i mean is that my hard disc is still on or my prosesor but i got no picture it does that repetatly is there a slolution for that problem??1 person needs an answerI do too
August 14th, 2010 10:27am

Does anything appear on the monitor when you first start the computer?MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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August 14th, 2010 4:21pm

no it dos not everything is normal when i start my pcthis forzibg thing usualy hapenning when i begin writing something
August 15th, 2010 1:28pm

So you really mean "yes, I can see everything when I start my computer" and you can get into Windows but then the computer freezes and the screen goes black? I realize we're working with a language problem (and I'm sorry but I don't speak Greek), so we need to be as clear as possible. Let's try and narrow down the troubleshooting by you providing more information.The First Question Of Troubleshooting: If the problem is new, what changed between the time things worked and the time they didn't?If the screen is going black, this indicates more of a hardware problem to me as opposed to malware (software). Does this happen after the computer has been on for a while? Please give a description of your computer, its recent history, and its approximate age.MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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August 15th, 2010 1:41pm

it is ok about not speaking greek ,... my pc is old is pentium 3 997 MHz 640 mb ram i have format it couple of times cause of that problem still is the same problem .. whne it freezes is when i begin to wright something in chat room or any where als 99% of the times that it doss that is when i am writing something it forzes and then it shut s down but not the hard drive only the screen gos black the thng that troubles me is it did not do that when linux where istaled in the pc sometimes it is working ok but when it starts that problem is continius it doss it for several times lease be more specific in what other info i give u.. thnk u for the help up to know hope that u help me find solution
August 15th, 2010 2:20pm

I can't be sure without being able to test the computer myself (which obviously I can't do) but it sounds like hardware failure to me. You can test the hardware yourself or take it to a reputable local professional (not a BigComputerStore type of place). But I don't advise putting any money into such an elderly machine. It's time to replace it. Back up your data now.http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Hardware_TshootMS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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August 15th, 2010 3:58pm

Alhtaras, may I ask you:1) What antivirus you have (2) Have you deleted Temporary Files lately? (3) Can you Boot and Login normally (say 30 to 45 seconds)?You may want to install following to remove junk from your computer and speed-up the process:CCleaner: http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup234.exeAutoruns: http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Autoruns.zipProcess Explorer: http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessExplorer.zipPageDefrag: http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/PageDefrag.zipDefraggler: http://download.piriform.com/dfsetup121.exeBootvis: http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=664Follow 3-steps instructions from: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/xpperformance/thread/14ade616-4f7e-4839-9c62-9025069e5b26
August 15th, 2010 10:38pm

well thnk u very mutch u ve been helpfoul... i do that
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 16th, 2010 10:43am

well first of all i like to thnk u to for yr help yes i did all that thinks u said i even format the dam think it still doss it like the elephant boy said is propably hardware problem
August 16th, 2010 10:45am

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