problem Vista on Win2003 Domain Network, No Network, No Internet
Our office has about 10 computers and 2 servers, all of them belong to the same domain. The 2 servers run Windows 2003 Enterprise & Standard, 1 is a domain controller. 2 of the workstations are running on Vista, it's been working flawlessly until today. (all i did was to deploy 2 new printers, that's it)2 Vista PCs have no internet, and can not see anything on the network. but the NIC resolves the domain, DNS & Gateway correctly. I can ping from the problem Vista pc to server and gateway(Cisco firewall) no problem and vice versa. All IP address are valid. I don't get it, it just doesn't work. In the Network & Sharing Center, the link is broken from the gateway to the internet, but there's a link from "This computer" to the domain controller(DNS server). but after about 2-3 minutes, the link comes back and shows there's internet, but it still doesn't work. We disabled TCP/IPv6 already on both Vista machines. I also moved the vista computers in Active Directory to a fresh OU called Vista. is this a Group Policy related problem? Since Win2k3 GPO doesn't work on Vistas.
January 27th, 2009 1:55am

This sounds hauntingly familiar to an issue I was having. I put up a note earlier today about what I did to fix it. The only thing that differentiates my case from yours is that after I rebooted the problem Vista it just wouldn't see any network adapters including wireless or dialup. Device manager said it was all there. Perhaps my note will help you. When in doubt defenstrate it
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January 28th, 2009 8:57pm

Hi, Thank you for your posts. Based on my research, I would like to suggest the following to check the issue: 1. Please put a new cleanly installed Windows Vista computer to the same network, and monitoring it for a while to see if the problem occurs. 2. Then, we can join this computer to domain and check again. Please let us know how it works. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
February 2nd, 2009 2:54pm

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