problem with javascript pop-up display in windows 8 IE11

Normally, if i create a javascript pop-up, the link will open the specified htm file in something that
looks like a tool-tip at the cursor location. This is the way it works in IE10 in windows 7 and is what I want.

Unfortunately, in windows 8.0 IE 11, it opens a new browser window in the top left
corner of the display. I don't like this
because, instead of easily
clicking away to close the pop-up, the user has to close a browser window. Ths is especially not user friendly when using tap gesture in tablet.

I would appreciate a way to modify the html to continue to get the tool tip
style pop-up in windows 8.

here's the html:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
name="generator" content="Adobe RoboHelp 9" />
<title>Home Page
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="default.css" type="text/css"

<?rh-script_start ?><script src="ehlpdhtm.js"
<h1>Home Page 03</h1>
<p>Type topic text
href="javascript:BSSCPopup('User_Experience.htm');" id="a1">This
is a
<?rh-script_start ?><script
type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">//<![CDATA[
if( typeof(
FilePopupInit ) != 'function' ) FilePopupInit = new

July 2nd, 2013 12:03am

I suggest to contact IE forum for further help:

The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction

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July 3rd, 2013 2:37am

I prefer not to get stuck in forum Ping-Pong. I posted there first and the link they gave me brought me here.  Here's their response:



This is the TechNet Forum for questions regarding Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11 Preview for the IT Pro Audience.
Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions.

For better assistance please ask for help in the MSDN IE Development Forums.

Thanks & Reg
July 11th, 2013 11:53am

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