problems downloading
Hi, for two days I'm trying to download windows 7RC, but when it hits the 11% mark, then it stops downloading. Within 20 minutes I download 11%, then the rest of the night its connecting and not downloading any more. I tried it now the 3rd time and its always the same. I checked the ping of the server of the file but it seems ok, 50 to 100ms. However the download manager says connecting then downloading a byte, then connectingDoes anyone have an idea or can help?thanks
May 9th, 2009 6:11am

Hi thanmartinThe only thing I can suggest is to make sure you are foolowing the directions carefully.Here is some information from recent threads where some other users had problems.Use the Internet Explorer broswer when accessing the download website.Make sure you use the default download manager that installs from the download website not a third party download manager.Try to download at a time when the computer is not being used.Download the file to your Desktop.If the download has failed multiple times, you should refresh the ActiveX Control that the download manager installs.Close all instances of the browser.Open Windows Explorer and navigate to: Windows C:\Windows\Downloaded Program FilesIn the right side window, look for the DLM Control (Akamai Download Manager ActiveX Control)Select this control and press the Delete Key.Confirm the deletetion.Reboot the computer.Go back to the Windows 7 download website and try the download again. It should install a fresh copy of the DLM Control.If you are successful, be sure to come back here and let us know.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
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May 10th, 2009 1:32am

Dear Ronniethanks for your help, it looked as if it worked, following your instructions. It downloaded immediately at high speed, downloading to 11%, then after 4 hours of nothing, there seemed to be another downloading window available, so it downloaded to 30%, but after this, waiting for 36 hours, nothing happened. So I deleted it again, then a new download started at high speed about 350KB/sec so if nothing interrupted it would download the whole file in 2 hours. But however after 11% it stalls again, so I do not know how I will be able to download the file, some suggestions?I'll give you the link some problems with the server? or the download database?I am grateful for any suggestionsMartin
May 12th, 2009 5:04am

Hi MartinI'm not sure how to advise you, that procedure should have reset everything and caused the file to download properly? You might want to wait for a time and then try the download again. The download will be available until the end of June.I just tried with that URL you posted and the download started and was downloading steady at around 740 KB/Sec? It appears to be working OK.Regards,Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 12th, 2009 9:53am

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