projection rules


i have a question about projection rules and how they apply to cs objects.

Scenario: i have 2 MAs: AD and FIM. I have an OU in AD, where all of fired users stored. The evaluation on either user should move to this OU or not is done by FIM logic(based on several attributes, such as lastLogonTimestamp, accountExpires and other).

When conditions are met, outbound sync rule applies, user moves into OU, disables and clears from all group membership(its mandatory). Since, there is no simple way to clear users membership, i decided to make that users a disconnectors using MV extension code, and thus, they'll clear of all groups. (I must mention, that before choosing that solution, I tried to filter them out, but it's not working, because of export-filter error)

So, now i need to not project that kind of users into MV, because if they'll projected, during the sync phase they'll become disconnectors again when MV extension strikes, and this is unwanted workload. I have a MA extension, and this is a ShouldProjectToMV function code:

if (csentry.ObjectType == "user")
                if (String.Compare(UseFiredUsersOU, "1") == 0 && csentry.DN.ToString().Contains(FiredUsersOU))
                    MVObjectType = "person";
                    return false;
                    MVObjectType = "person";
                    return true;

Then i configured projection rules, it looks like this and projection rules extension works just fine after one full sync cirle:

But, after a second full sync circle it looks like this and projection rules not applied anymore:

Any thoughts why this happens?

February 24th, 2015 4:55am


What is the function of the condition "String.Compare(UseFiredUsersOU, "1") == 0"?

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February 24th, 2015 5:47am

It's variable from config, which determines if FiredUsersOU will be used in the environment.
February 24th, 2015 6:14am

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