recent changes to hotamil
the recent changes to hotmail are terrible !!!!!!!!!! the worst thing is the fact that all emails are now grouped into a conversation. this means that emails i have SENT are now in my INBOX ! since if i reply to an email i receive it appears in my inbox with my name attached to it ! this means that i cannot sort and theherfore find emails i have have received from a speciifc person since. if i have replied to it, it is shown under MY name in the first position not the senders name.can i switch off this crazy and totally illogical change that has been made?alternatively can i use another client such as outlook with my hotmail emails address ?IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT !!1 person needs an answerI do too
August 8th, 2010 9:31am

The Windows Live Hotmail Solution Center can be found here:, you can access Hotmail with any POP client you wish and using the Outlook Hotmail Connector if you wish to use Outlook (2003 and later only).Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]------------------------------If a reply helps, please vote it as helpful. If a reply solves the issue, please mark it as an answer.
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August 8th, 2010 9:39pm

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