reverting back to Vista
I'm sure lots of ppl are asking why the heck would anyone revert back to vista after having windows 7. Well for starters I had a friend download the free trial version of windows 7 ultimate, it seems (as expected) that it will expire. My question is: can I revert back to vista before the win 7 expires. I do have a genuine version of windows 7 premium but it is 32 bit and not 64, so I am going to install it on my laptop instead, as the distributor will not return it as it has already been opened. any feedback will be greatly accepted thanks
February 22nd, 2010 11:33pm

While there are some places on the Internet detailing workarounds and tricks, the only supported "end of life" scenario for the Release Candidate of Windows 7 is to perform a clean install of either the final version of Windows 7, or a clean install of your previous version of Windows (Vista, for example). This may sound daunting, but because of the new methods used to install Windows Vista and Windows 7, a clean install is actually faster than an upgrade and results in a much more reliable installation. Just be sure to back up anything you want to keep first (files, pictures, documents), and be prepared to re-install your programs such as Office. If this was helpful, please vote by clicking the green triangle. If it solves the issue, click Propose as Answer. Thanks!
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February 22nd, 2010 11:37pm

Actually I did this also and a clean install is the way to go. I went back to Vista from a full version of Win7 Business. I actually think Vista has many advantages over 7, the classic start menu, a functional search, ability to turn off autoarrange... In fact many of the complaints people are posting about Win7 were not an issue in Vista. It got a lot of bad press but I think many people are going to take a second look at Vista after trying 7.
February 23rd, 2010 1:16am

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