searching (non-indexed) Windows folder brings no results...
I experienced that earlier today: the only way to find any file in the Windows folder was to look for it from a search on drive C:\ : searching directly in the Windows folders brought systematically nothing. I finally decided to add the Windows folder to the index (I know, that's not particularly advised)...still no results and the folder wouldn't get indexed, although checked in the the indexing UI. But as soon as I checked C:\ there, anything checked in any folder residing on the partition would get properly indexed, meaning in that case that if the parent partition isn't itself checked, nothing happens ??? any comment appreciated. I've seen this happen too on another partition, where there was no way to get a folder saved at the root of it, indexed, as long as the partition itself wasn't checked (meaning that you then have to uncheck stuff you don't want to be indexed). On a side note, I'll probably keep things that way. Does't seem that having Windows main system folder indexed is such an issue at all. I didn't notice any slow down in any search process, or in the general system behavior. Any comment appreciated thanks. ps: running W7/64
May 22nd, 2010 12:50am

I have to say that my experience is very different (Win 7 Ultimate v64). When I do searches starting in the Windows folder, it finds files in the Windows folder itself and in subfolders. I don't know why you are having the issue, but it's not universal.
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May 22nd, 2010 4:59pm

how interesting...guess why I posted: because apparently the issue exists. I couldn't care less whether it's "universal" or not. Now if you got something relevant to say, don't hesitate to post.
May 22nd, 2010 8:05pm

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