server 2000 folder redirection multi login issue on windows 7
I'm new to server 2000, I created a folder redirection and my problem is that I can't see documents created from one computer to the other and reversal. For example COMPUTER 1 logs as Nicole and creates my documents to the server share folder with (My Music), (My Pictures),(My Videos) folders. Now when I log off and log on to COMPUTER 2 as Nicole again the documents is empty changing the document path into local C: instead of \\server\share\%username%\my documents If I log as mike on COMPUTER 2 creating folders (My Music), (My Pictures),(My Videos) the problem happens again; only the first computer that logs into that user account can only see the documents, the other computer will change the document path into local C: and not fetch the created user documents from other computer. I'm trying to network 20 computers but for now just 2 computer to save files to the server and be able to retrieve files where ever the user logs into. Any help would be appreciated.
February 7th, 2011 2:37am

Be careful with your folder redirection settings in the group policy. Especially when you do NOT have roaming profiles enabled as well. For example, you might have it configured to "move existing files to target", which works the first time, but on the next computer, it also has some files to move but sees there is already a target there, so it might be leaving it on the C: drive for this reason. It can't merge them together. It can't move them because there is already some files at the destination. Try changing the setting in the policy so it does NOT move the folder contents. Alternatively, implement roaming profiles so that once it's been moved the next computer doesn't try moving it again because the roaming profile already has the target of the folders at the server.
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February 7th, 2011 2:47am

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