sessione Circular Kernel Context Logger interrotta a causa dell'errore 0xC0000188 in Windows 8.1 PRO it aggiornato

L'errore 0xC0000188 sul Circular Kernel Context Logger di origine kernel-event tracing, accompagnato da un id event 4 contenente:

stata raggiunta la dimensione massima del file della sessione "Circular Kernel Context Logger". Pertanto, gli eventi potrebbero essere persi (non registrati) nel file "C:\Windows\system32\WDI\LogFiles\BootCKCL.etl". La dimensione massima dei file attualmente impostata su 104857600 byte

Fatti tentativi di aumentare la dimensione del file BootCKCL.etl senza ottenere risultati.

Ho osservato che subito dopo il boot, con tutto il desktopo completo e programmi caricati, l'errore 0xC0000188 non compare, il visualizzatore di eventi, eventi amministrativi, pulito, nessun evento o avviso o errore.

Trascorsi circa due minuti e in concomitanza con l'avvio (avvio ritardato) del servizio Intel Rapid Storage Technology ( ver. compare l'errore relativo al Circular Kernel Context Logger.

MB: Asus P8Z77-V-LX 16 GB RAM G Skill TridentX F3-2400C10-8GTX CPU Intel Core i5-3330 @ 3.00GHz

Windows 8.1 PRO IT Retail aggiornato al marted 13-8-14

September 4th, 2014 4:24am

 We do need the actual log file (called a DMP file) as they contain the only record of the sequence of events leading up to the crash, what drivers were loaded, and what was responsible.   We prefer at least 2 DMP files to spot trends and confirm the cause.
Please follow our instructions for finding and uploading the files we need to help you fix your computer. They can be found here If you have any questions about the procedure please ask
If you are using Blue screen view, who crashed, or a similar application, don't.  They are wrong at least as often as they are correct
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September 5th, 2014 10:00am


This is an English forum. It is appreciated that if you can address the issue again in English.

Otherwise, for other languages support, please visit

Thanks for your understanding and hope the issue will be resolved soon!

September 8th, 2014 4:46am


This is an English forum. It is appreciated that if you can address the issue again in English.

Otherwise, for other languages support, please visit

Thanks for your understanding and hope the issue will be resolved soon!

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September 8th, 2014 4:46am

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