sympatico security compatibility
The sympatico security software is only available for the 32 version of xp and vista. I'm curently testing the 64 bit virsion of windows 7. is there a convirsion tool to convirt windows 7 64 bit to 32 bit?? and or an emulator that i can run my security softwair in??
May 24th, 2009 4:00am

Current Windows 7 security software providers: Frisch
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 24th, 2009 5:17am

The sympatico security software is only available for the 32 version of xp and vista. I'm curently testing the 64 bit virsion of windows 7. is there a convirsion tool to convirt windows 7 64 bit to 32 bit?? and or an emulator that i can run my security softwair in?? Rayphen - There is no way to convert Windows 7 64 bit to 32 bit (or vice versa). The only way to change from 64 bit to 32 bit would be to Backup, Nuke and Pave (do a backup and a clean install) with a restore.If your CPU and motherboard support it, there's always XP Mode (which is XP in a virtual machine.) But that would not do much to cover the rest of your system. As Carey pointed out, there are other Security software providers out there.
May 24th, 2009 6:05am

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