unable to approve request

I have created an MPR which triggers an authorization workflow. The workflow only contains 1 activity: "Ask for Approval from...".

The approver gets the email stating that a request is awaiting approval (or reject).

The request is visible in the "Approve  Requests" dialog for this user with a status of "Pending" but it can not be Approved or Rejected.

February 23rd, 2015 8:18pm

Yes but did not seem to fix my problem. Approve or Reject still fails.

I have removed from search requests all requests with a status of Authorizition. If I open the resource object and try to update a field it fails because it still says "Pending approval".

If I click on details I still get the option to approve or reject it. If I try to either I still get request failed.

February 23rd, 2015 10:34pm

I bellieve there is some problem in MPR configuration for the target resource/permission policies. Please check some more aspects or provide some additional information about the activity/MPR that is created.
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February 24th, 2015 3:25am

Thanks Manuj, what do you mean with "Please check some more aspects.."


February 24th, 2015 7:37am

By more aspects I mean, like approval response is being created or not? Whenever you request then is the request is visible in the computed actor's bin or not? If yes, then whevever the approver approves the request generates approval response. Check where it stucks.

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February 24th, 2015 8:12am

Hi Manuj, that is kinda the problem. As a user I see this request in my approve/reject list but am not able to select them.


February 24th, 2015 11:32pm

Hi JD,

Assuming as per the screenshots above, I can see the request approval status says its pending but its actually failed so in that case try modifying the "Request Approval Status" for this particular request to either rejected/approved and then it won't be visible in your approval/rejectio

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February 25th, 2015 2:26am

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