welcome screen image icons
Is there a way in windows 7 professional to make the user image icons on the welcome screen larger? I noticed on windows 7 home they seem to be larger but on professional they are smaller.
November 2nd, 2009 4:37pm

This is a way to do it:http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/how-to-resize-desktop-icon-in-windows-vista/Press & holdCtrl on the keyboard,Scroll with themouse wheel up or downto get the desired size.
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November 2nd, 2009 7:36pm

I appreciate this but I'm wondering about the logon/welcome screen. If you create 4 users on the machine you will see those 4 people with the icon above their name. I noticed on Home the image icons are bigger but in profesional they are smaller. So far the only time I have noticed the icons images larger is when you are using 7 professional connected to a business domain.
November 2nd, 2009 9:00pm

Hi, May I know if you notice this on the same machine or the machines with same hardware conditions? To make this clear, if possible, could you please take some photos on the differences? Please upload the pictures to Windows Live SkyDrive and share their URLs with us. Thanks.Nicholas Li - MSFT
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November 4th, 2009 10:14am

I have tried this on two machines with windows 7 professional. If I have the machine hooked up to a domain the image is large. If it is not connected to a domain and you are just creating user profiles the images are small like they were in xp and vista.
November 4th, 2009 9:49pm

Hi, When you logon to domain, password is needed. There will be a large icon and a frame under it for inputting password. On a computer which is not in domain and has several user accounts, on the logon screen, there are some little icons (comparing with the large icon when you logging on domain) for the accounts, if you logon an account which has no password, you can click the little icon to logon directly. Is so, please just set password to an account and logon with it to see if the icon will as large as the icon when logging on domain. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT
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November 5th, 2009 9:06am

Thanks Nicholas, but I don't think this answers the question. We realize that the icons on a domain sign-in screen are larger, but we're all complaining about a non-domain (i.e., WORKGROUP) setting. The question remains: How does one increase the size of the Welcome Screen icons in a WORKGROUP where there are 3 or 4 users? I am thinking I need to uninstall Windows 7 and return to XP for my aged parents who cannot see the usernames on the Welcome screen AT ALL. In fact, for my own eyes it is a struggle.If there is no way to increase icon size on the Welcome/Sign-in screen, do you know any plans at MS to fix this obvious oversight on their part? It is a shame that the first thing you see in this new and very impressive OS is such a major escape by the designers.
December 29th, 2009 10:05pm

I must agree that the small icons started to annoy me during the second day with Windows 7. Isn't there really a way to change the profile icon size in welcome screen through some register adjustment or something? I really wouldn't want to do any of the resource hacks that's been suggested at some sites. Not sure whether those would even do the trick. And please don't give the basic newbie answers.
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October 19th, 2010 12:39pm

Hi, When you logon to domain, password is needed. There will be a large icon and a frame under it for inputting password. On a computer which is not in domain and has several user accounts, on the logon screen, there are some little icons (comparing with the large icon when you logging on domain) for the accounts, if you logon an account which has no password, you can click the little icon to logon directly. Is so, please just set password to an account and logon with it to see if the icon will as large as the icon when logging on domain. Thanks. Nicholas Li - MSFT You in no way shape or form answered the question, nor included any useful information in response to the actual problem... Then MARKED IT AS CORRECT!?!??! FAIL. The guy wants to know how to increase the size of the welcome screen user icon in Windows 7/Vista... it's really got nothing to do with domain log-on passwords. I am wondering how you were even hired at this point... 5 'ribbons' for what? randomly spouting answers that aren't correct? Good Job!
April 11th, 2011 12:51pm

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