where did event viewer go

ok, this is getting crazy, every update Microsoft puts out seems to take away vital tools. In 8.0 pro I used to be able to type "Event viewer," into the search and it would pop up. Now All I get is crap from the internet on how to use it. I finally found it Buried in control panel and told it to pin it to the start menu, but again, it doesn't do it. Please tell me how to get search working to fine it. Thank you.

P.S. Microsoft, Please stop fixing what aint broken as you only manage to break things. One more to add to the list

January 25th, 2014 9:46am

It can find it, but it's named differently, "View event logs"...    
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January 25th, 2014 10:25am

not here. on mine it goes to explain what it is
January 25th, 2014 10:33am

What can I say, it's definitely here and under Windows 8.1 Pro...    
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January 25th, 2014 11:02am

There's another easy way to get to it, go to the desktop and right mouse click on the start button / windows logo, and pick event viewer from the menu that pops up.    
January 25th, 2014 11:05am

Thanks Bob I'm now able to find this myself
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January 25th, 2014 11:11am

The only thing that has ever worked in the hidden menu on this machine is Run. I can use windows explorer and find the actual shortcut groups and they work there, but not in the menu. If you look under my name you can find it. Windows just doesn't like me!

I wish I could sit down with a Microsoft tech and show them.

January 25th, 2014 11:17am

The only thing that has ever worked in the hidden menu on this machine is Run.

Both symptoms sounds like permissions problems.   Use ProcMon to check.  Unfortunately it seems that there is also some optimizing being done which makes that tool a less effective diagnostic but maybe you could see something related happening when you Restart  explorer.exe  (e.g. using Task Manager).  (I think I have made this suggestion to you before concerning your Win-X symptom.)

In W8 there was a semi-discoverable option which allowed Administrator tools to be hidden from the Start Screen.  They could still be found if you knew the whole file name though, so in this case perhaps you need to search for  eventvwr.exe  

In fact I'm seeing that myself.  No match in Apps for Event Viewer or System Information but matches for  eventvwr and msinfo32  .  However, I never bother with accessing those either of these ways.  I just use the Run... dialog, same as ever.  Old habits... less typing.

I found it.   Settings. Tiles, Show Administrative tools.  So now I could type Ev and Sy to see those tools.  Then I could see them grouped in Apps by category but I use Apps by most used  so provided I'm willing to search for them by file name I can avoid the clutter of having them pinned.  So I'm back to using it off:  Win-I, CursorDown, Enter, Spacebar.



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January 25th, 2014 1:50pm

The only thing that has ever worked in the hidden menu on this machine is Run.

Both symptoms sounds like permissions problems.   Use ProcMon to check.  Unfortunately it seems that there is also some optimizing being done which makes that tool a less effective diagnostic but maybe you could see something related happening when you Restart  explorer.exe  (e.g. using Task Manager).  (I think I have made this suggestion to you before concerning your Win-X symptom.)

In W8 there was a semi-discoverable option which allowed Administrator tools to be hidden from the Start Screen.  They could still be found if you knew the whole file name though, so in this case perhaps you need to search for  eventvwr.exe  

In fact I'm seeing that myself.  No match in Apps for Event Viewer or System Information but matches for  eventvwr and msinfo32  .  However, I never bother with accessing those either of these ways.  I just use the Run... dialog, same as ever.  Old habits... less typing.

I found it.   Settings. Tiles, Show Administrative tools.  So now I could type Ev and Sy to see those tools.  Then I could see them grouped in Apps by category but I use Apps by most used  so provided I'm willing to search for them by file name I can avoid the clutter of having them pinned.  So I'm back to using it off:  Win-I, CursorDown, Enter, Spacebar.



January 25th, 2014 2:12pm

>ok, but where are you finding this, "Settings. Tiles, Show Administrative tools." procmonitor is totally useless as it scroll and you can't find the command it recorded, useless   On the start screen.  Open the charms bar, settings, then tiles.    
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January 25th, 2014 3:36pm

I understand, I hate it when things go that way and there's no easy fix!   I just had to do a refresh on my home PC too because the network stack got messed up.  It was a permissions problem..    
January 25th, 2014 3:38pm

>ok, but where are you finding this, "Settings. Tiles, Show Administrative tools." procmonitor is totally useless as it scroll and you can't find the command it recorded, useless   On the start screen.  Open the charms bar, settings, then tiles.    
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January 25th, 2014 3:44pm

>Also just moved to an SSD, will never go back to Hdd again.   They are pretty nice, aren't they. <g>   I keep the spinning kinds for mass storage though, they're still too expensive for a lot of storage.    
January 25th, 2014 5:44pm

Bob did you have problems setting up with SSD what chipset U using
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January 25th, 2014 6:29pm

The SSD came in my laptop, a Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch.  I'm still using normal disks on all my desktops.   No problems with the X1's...      
January 25th, 2014 8:29pm

The only thing I have on the ssd is the os, photoshop and my email. All my data including swap and temp files are on a 1.5tb hdd
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January 25th, 2014 8:40pm

Well I just installed steamOS bata, MS is in some serious competition. It is actually working really well. I installed BF4 tonight on steamOS and it is quick. MS take my advice you may want to consider a quick patch to fix windows 8.1

This patch is what users are asking you to do with windows 8.1 because steamOS is going to sell.

January 26th, 2014 1:17am

Well after using steam for a bit it really is just another version of linux.

Take it back, steamOS sucks big time. Nothing works right. Install packs are a pain like always. flash, and more suck big time. Games are choppy as hell. Hardware support suck. Security is unknown and defective. Microsoft has not a thing to worry about. Windows 8 bata out performed steamOS
  • Edited by colakid 2 hours 53 minutes ago
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January 26th, 2014 3:43am

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