why windows 7 has color problem with my compro e series tv tuner. It is working perfectly with vista but shows no colors in windows 7
compro e300 card works normally when run the first time after installing but when i close the compro application and try to run the application again the television goes black and white. This thing is happening since last three windows 7 build and right now i am using the latest 7600 build of windows 7. This is weird that first time the app runs normally but on the second run the colors are disabled
August 2nd, 2009 4:23pm

These forums only support the officialRC(build 7100 and 7000). You cansee the following thread for a more detailed information: W7 leaked builds My English is not very well.
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August 2nd, 2009 5:50pm

Hello, Please understand that some torrent download locations have what appears to be Build 7600 available for download describing it as the RTM Build. This is NOT the official RTM Build. This version is a copy of the Release Candidate build 7100 that has been hacked to show the build number as 7600. The official RTM Build is still being tested and will not be finished until it is released next month. Meanwhile, I want you to know that OEM manufacturers customize features and other changes for their hardware device unique to their product lines.Due to this, you should contact COMPRO E300 Videomate TV Tuner Card manufacturer directly to obtain the latest driver compatible with Windows 7. Thanks for your time and understanding! Good Luck!Andy
August 3rd, 2009 1:38pm

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