win7 dhcp client: sending options
I am trying to change dhcp option 60 and 43 on my Windows 7 Cleint PC. The standard option 60 - vendor class identifier is set to "MSFT 5.0" and I would like to change it to a different value of "Siemens". Similarly I want to send a Vendor Specific ID using option 43. I have tried to add: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCP\Parameters\Options\DhcpSendOptions "60"=hex:3c,07,53,69,65,6d,65,6e,73 but try as I will, it will not send anything modified in the DHCP client request to the server. Do I need to put the registry entry somewhere else or in a different format? Thanks.
May 7th, 2012 11:56am

Hi, After research, I found this registry key was supported by Windows CE and may not be supported in Windows 7. Otherwise, I have not found any documents that mentioned this. Juke Chou TechNet Community Support
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May 10th, 2012 2:46am

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