win7 firewall: allow an app to connect to specific IP addresses only?
I want to allow an app to connect to specific IP addresses only. I set up a rule to block the app for all connections. Then another rule to allow the app to connect to specific remote IPs. This does not work though. If I enable the first rule, the app cannot connect anywhere, even the allowed IPs in the second rule. If I disable the first rule, the app can access any IP, not just the ones allowed. It's as if the second rule has no effect whatsoever. any hint is appreciated.
August 25th, 2009 5:57am

HiBatrh2k, We can configure which programs are allowed for outgoing connections in Windows 7. 1. Click Start, type WF.msc, and press Enter. 2. Click Outbound Rules, then choose Action->new Rule. 3. Choose Custom. 4. Choose This Program path, and specify which program this rule applies to. 5. Click Next->Next. 6. Under Which remote IP addresses does this rule apply to, choose These IP addresses, and add IP addresses. 7. Choose Allow the connection. 8. Please choose network profile which you want to applies to. 9. Please name this rule. Does it work? Hope it helps.
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August 26th, 2009 12:34pm

thanks, but that does not work. it allows that IP but also any other IP. now if I change from allow to block, then yes it does block that IP and that IP only. makes sense since the default is to allow outbound connections. I don't want to change the default to block all because then it'll be an enormous hassle to create a rule for every program I want to let access the net. just not feasible. I thought that if I create a rule to block all connections for the program, then another rule for the same program allowing it to connect with specific IPs, that would work. But it does not. The second rule is simply overridden or ignored.
August 27th, 2009 4:00am

That is because the windows firewall will allow all outgoing connections by default. What you have to do to achieve what you want is to: first block the application you want, then create a specific allow rule using Robinson's post above, that should do the trick, is what I do. Hope this helps
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August 27th, 2009 10:37pm

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