win xp home
win xp home backup. i tryed to backup to external hdd and i get cannot get info for floppys also i need to put the recovery info on cd. help!1 person needs an answerI do too
May 25th, 2010 8:36pm

there are several reasons why i would forego using the ntbackup reason is that it compresses all the data into a single file that is usually pretty large.and the problem with a single large archive is its propencity to become corrupted.instead my suggestion is to acquire an understanding of making images of your disk and data.a good program that i have used successfully is called driveimage xmlit can create cd size images of your data in which you can transfer them over to cd's.however, keep in mind that the first line of defense in avoiding corrupted system files is to regularly use the system restore feature.the system restore feature will backup system files and programs, but not user / personal files and pics.however, making a straight copy of your personal files and pics onto cd is the best way to between your system restore via safe mode and making straight copies of your personal files, you should be safe in the event of corruption.db`...> DatabaseBen, Retired Professional - Systems Analyst - Database Developer - Accountancy - Veteran of the Armed Forces - "share the nirvana mann" - dbZen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > >
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May 25th, 2010 8:56pm

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