windows 8.1 I hate it, can do nothing, no restore, no start bar, no down loads, no nothing

   The geeks @ best buy laid this on me they said the hinge was shot on my lap top cause it to run hot & the Amd was split into. I was paying them good so things like this wouldn't happen, he said gone cost me big time if he had to send to his man far away, the 8.1 was non refundable. Well it will not down load nothing, don't no what to do. But Microsoft got good huge  site & nice smart people wish I was here yesterday that 300 bucks set me back, I was just floored by Geeks don't care actions, I had nice win 7 I loved my PC running perfect before them Geek monsters got their grubby little hands on it. Who said them 8.1's upgrade is all that I was going wit the flow. But U got hand it to Microsoft this is the first not so good one, I missed start bar quick & them Geeks @ best buy had nerve to give me this bare bones junk back, you can tell I'm newbie, every time I try load restore , recover it's got different excuse like Geek monsters lying to me my pc never got over 99 degrees & the AMD was not split into. I know my PC run for 5 hours they were trying hurry up get 2 hour job done  at 5:00 AM they left it unattended, by the log files & those Best buy stores not open that late, my pc is lair, I'm one to oh well they keep that up they gone out of town fast. They are the intelligent ones I thought & they think, but I listen a long time heard nothing but crap coming from their little mouths I really felt sorry for them, cause they thought they were gone have to pay for the damages. I couldn't believe what I heard & witnessed @ the Best buy & Geeks in Gulfport Mississippi. Sorry for mixing pleasure wit business but somebody got to let all know, I got no note pad or cmd, Help me please goodness how's this thing running. thanks all I think I got this thing figured out from your great knowledge Thanks again, the 8.1 out of here, Now here's my question will 8.1 go over windows 95 hate to mess up this 95

March 8th, 2015 6:05am

So what exactly is your issue?
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March 8th, 2015 8:44am


Do you mean that the Windows 8.1 system is not functioning fine? Please describe the issue more clearly so we can know what happened.

If you have a another user acocunt, then I would suggest you check whether this issue happen in that account, seem the current user profile is corrupted, Meanwhile, please make sure to keep installing latest Windows Updates to improve the performance and security.


March 9th, 2015 4:22am

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