windows backup failed while determining libraries location of one of the users included in the backup. Details: Bitlocker Drive Encryption cannot be used because critical BitLocker system files are missing or corrupted. Use Windows Startup Repair to et.
I am running 32bit Windows 7 Professional. I cannot find anything that starts with "security" in control Panel. I do not have an external drive connected to my pc. I have reset all of my libraries to default and have no encryption enabled on my sata backup drive. All forums I have checked refer to enabling and disabling bitlocker but I simply cannot find it on my pc. The service is enabled in my services.msc when I check it. So how do I disable/enable something I do not have in Windows 7 pro and I was able to back up at one time?
February 22nd, 2011 10:23am

You cannot encrypt a disk using BitLocker on Windows 7 Professional. You need Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise to encrypt the disk. Once a disk is encrypted with BitLocker, all editions of Windows 7 will be able to use the encrypted disk. If you like to turn of BitLocker on the backup drive, you have to look for a system running Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise.Ray - Author of Windows 7 for XP Professionals
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February 23rd, 2011 2:02am

You cannot encrypt a disk using BitLocker on Windows 7 Professional. You need Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise to encrypt the disk. Once a disk is encrypted with BitLocker, all editions of Windows 7 will be able to use the encrypted disk. If you like to turn of BitLocker on the backup drive, you have to look for a system running Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise.Ray - Author of Windows 7 for XP Professionals
February 23rd, 2011 10:01am

This happened to me when I changed some drive letters around, including CD/DVD and HDD. Some of my libraries were referencing a drive letter that used to be a CD/DVD drive but is now a HDD. Interestingly enough, the libraries autoadjusted for the new letter and behaved fine, but clearing the library locations and resetting them fixed this problem completely. I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, but I've never used bitlocker ever, in any machine that has been connected to any of my current drives. I found the solution from a thread from 2009, and the answer was from a microsoft employee! It's disappointing that they haven't fixed a 2 year old bug.
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April 25th, 2011 6:50pm

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