windows beta 7 failed download.
I was downloadin windows beta 7 and it has completed 82% of download and suddenly it stopped saying that access denied giving the Reference #18.a7eee3dc.1234406051.93e10c2 . Please help
February 12th, 2009 5:54am

The deadline for downloads was reached ending the general availability to finish any downloads already in progress. Apparently you waited too long before deciding to sign up for testing and starting the download.
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February 12th, 2009 9:24am

Is there any other way i can finish the download as it was nearly 83% complete. Please Help as i desperately wanted to test this new version.
February 12th, 2009 12:47pm

AT this point, getting it thru Microsoft is likely to be a null proposition. It just ain't gonna happen.But there are possibly a few other things you could do... Like if you've got a friend nearby who's got the ISO or even just the DVD, he/she could loan you or clone you a copy of the disk. Not that I'd recommend it, personally, but you probably can find the ISO up on various bit torrent trading sites. Just be EXTRA cautious if you go this route and scan anything of the sort thorougly 8 ways until next Tuesday before attempting to install it. Considering what's been happening in the Mac camp lately with pirated torrents... Well. A word to the wise should be sufficent.On the other hand, the Release candidate should be along sometime in the near future... And it's most definitly going to be better than Beta 1.
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February 12th, 2009 2:18pm

Windows 7 BETA download has been pulled and general availability is over. You can't resume it.If you're Microsoft Connect or MSDN/TechNet Subscriber...then sure you can get Windows 7 Beta from scratch.- Ramesh Kumar
February 12th, 2009 2:32pm

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