windows crashes and restarts every time I login, the last thing that I did was partition the hard drive
I upgraded my hard drive because I needed more space. Initially, I set the same parameters as the original drive. C is the main drive and D is the HP recovery drive. There is apparently a small partition that windows uses but does not have a drive letter. I left all of the sizes the same. This left me with a large portion of the drive unallocated.Using Partition Master, I set up a large partition that I am using for music, pictures, documents, etc. At the time I did this, I had an external hard drive plugged in. It was assigned as Drive F and I created the new partition as G:.Not long after this, my computer crashed and restarted. When I log in, it says that windows recovered from a serious error. It plugs along for a little while and then does the same thing again, and again, and again.It does not give me a lot of other information that means anything to me. If I click on the details button for the information that it will send to Microsoft if I want to report it has a bunch of gibberish although I am sure it means something to someone. I will try to copy it the next time it crashes after I write this.I ejected the external drive and changed the drive letter on my new partition to F. I cannot believe that will do anything but I thought that maybe the partitions on the hard drive need to be in order (obviously, I will try anything).Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.1 person needs an answerI do too
November 27th, 2010 11:56pm

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