windows system 32.exe window appears three times on start up I think this is a virus how do I remove it.__
Windows xp has a black window appearing at lease 3 times on start uo Ive tryed all the anti virus solutions i have access to.How can I check how it loads on startup ane delete it the box is empty and has the title C:\windows\windows32\net.exeI have looked at posts on virus sites and tryed all the suggested fixes but cant get rid of itPlease any advise much apprieciated.1 person needs an answerI do too
October 23rd, 2010 3:36pm

"joecare32" wrote in message news:55193ec7-261d-44a7-84d1-91cbadec6f47...Windows xp has a black window appearing at lease 3 times on start uo Ive tryed all the anti virus solutions i have access to.How can I check how it loads on startup ane delete it the box is empty and has the title C:\windows\windows32\net.exeI have looked at posts on virus sites and tryed all the suggested fixes but cant get rid of itPlease any advise much apprieciated.Sounds like you still have malware present - what scanners have you used so far?I recommend using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware ( - download, install, update, and run a quick scan - see what it finds. If that doesn't cure the problem, then look in MSCONFIG to see where the launch-points are - post back with details, and with the Properties of the C:\windows\windows32\net.exe file. -- Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi | CrashFixPC | The Three-toed Sloth
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October 23rd, 2010 5:41pm

HI NoelI cant believe that having looked for a solution for this problem over two years ago and eventually giving up untill two days ago, hence my request for assistance on this site and your kind responce. I have stumbled on a solution after searching on Google for WHAT is "net.exe"I saw a site that that suggested searching for net.exe in my documents folder. I did this and pulled up three files called ATICCC_MS.NET[1].exe When I googled for info on these files I found a site at ....htpp:/// ....this site talks about this file having been classified as a virus,. as I had pulled up three files on my computer all identical with this name that looked like they were a mirror site to intel,incidently all reported to be about 102MB and the fact that I coincidentally had my THREE blak boxes at startup,I tryed to delete them .I think two deleted and then I got a message to say that windows cannot delete them or access them ..something along those lines.When I looked in the recycle bin, only two of these files were in the the recycle bin. I then restarted the computor and had another look in the recycle bin and they were gone .. Then I remembered that I had "Hyjack This" set to empty the recycle bin (incidently I nad run hyjack this and malwarebytes with no success in removing my problem.Now to cut to the chase I then searched again for ..NET.EXE in my documents folder and set the file search to show hidden files (I normally have the hidden file option set and I can only presume all the rebooting changes this) anyway this time the search returned four identical files call NET.EXE I selected them and pushed delete, and was in the process of going for a reboot,when a scary warning came up that I presume is a windows warning """if you delete windows system files "" ( saying I will have to insert my original windows CD if I continue as I am choosing to delete these files.Anyway I went ahead and deleted them and rebooted and my computor and the SYSTEM32 BLACK BOXES had gone. I am really pleased.The the main reason for putting all this in my reply (and boring you to death) is that when I first searched for a solution to my problem on this site I saw a post on the site with six peple asking about the same problem I had.Ime sure you know how to pass on this information and edit it appropiately if it is relevant to other partys.On another subject entirely I have had problems with installing net framework updates, and installing windows live, can I give you further details or should I repost each as a seperate query.Kind RegardsJoe.
October 24th, 2010 3:45pm

HI NoelI cant believe that having looked for a solution for this problem over two years ago and eventually giving up untill two days ago, hence my request for assistance on this site and your kind responce. I have stumbled on a solution after searching on Google for WHAT is "net.exe"I saw a site that that suggested searching for net.exe in my documents folder. I had run Hyjack This.. scan,Malwarebytes,scan,Microsoft essentials,Avirav with no success in removing my problem.Now to cut to the chase I then searched ..NET.EXE in my documents folder and set the file search to show hidden files (I normally have the show hidden file option set, and I can only presume all the rebooting changes this) anyway the search returned four identical files all called NET.EXE I selected them and pushed delete, and was in the process of going for a reboot,when a scary warning came up (that I presume is a windows warning relative to deleting hidden system files) "" ( saying I will have to insert my original windows CD if I continue as I am choosing to delete these files.Anyway I went ahead and deleted them and rebooted my computor and the SYSTEM32 BLACK BOXES had gone. I am really pleased.The the main reason for putting all this in my reply (and boring you to death) is that when I first searched for a solution to my problem on this site I saw a post on the site with six peple asking about the same problem I had.Ime sure you know how to pass on this information and edit it appropiately if it is relevant to other partys.On another subject entirely I have had problems with installing net framework updates, and installing windows live, can I give you further details or should I repost each as a seperate query. Kind RegardsJoe.
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October 24th, 2010 3:45pm

"joecare32" wrote in message news:1836c107-ecc6-4e60-b1a9-d72af1aefb60...HI NoelI cant believe that having looked for a solution for this problem over two years ago and eventually giving up untill two days ago, hence my request for assistance on this site and your kind responce. I have stumbled on a solution after searching on Google for WHAT is "net.exe"I saw a site that that suggested searching for net.exe in my documents folder. I did this and pulled up three files called ATICCC_MS.NET[1].exe When I googled for info on these files I found a site at ....htpp:/// ....this site talks about this file having been classified as a virus,. as I had pulled up three files on my computer all identical with this name that looked like they were a mirror site to intel,incidently all reported to be about 102MB and the fact that I coincidentally had my THREE blak boxes at startup,I tryed to delete them .I think two deleted and then I got a message to say that windows cannot delete them or access them ..something along those lines.When I looked in the recycle bin, only two of these files were in the the recycle bin. I then restarted the computor and had another look in the recycle bin and they were gone .. Then I remembered that I had "Hyjack This" set to empty the recycle bin (incidently I nad run hyjack this and malwarebytes with no success in removing my problem.Now to cut to the chase I then searched again for ..NET.EXE in my documents folder and set the file search to show hidden files (I normally have the hidden file option set and I can only presume all the rebooting changes this) anyway this time the search returned four identical files call NET.EXE I selected them and pushed delete, and was in the process of going for a reboot,when a scary warning came up that I presume is a windows warning """if you delete windows system files "" ( saying I will have to insert my original windows CD if I continue as I am choosing to delete these files.Anyway I went ahead and deleted them and rebooted and my computor and the SYSTEM32 BLACK BOXES had gone. I am really pleased.The the main reason for putting all this in my reply (and boring you to death) is that when I first searched for a solution to my problem on this site I saw a post on the site with six peple asking about the same problem I had.Ime sure you know how to pass on this information and edit it appropiately if it is relevant to other partys.On another subject entirely I have had problems with installing net framework updates, and installing windows live, can I give you further details or should I repost each as a seperate query.Kind RegardsJoe. So - you are saying that your immediate problem is solved?If so, then great - but you need to make sure that it's not going to resurface in the future....Please update Malwarebytes again, and then run a Quick scan from ALL user profiles - preferably in Safe Mode - on your machine - there are a number of malware that can and will reinstall themselves when booting to a new user account, due to entries in the startup axis.Once you've done that, then you need to think seriously about your web-surfing habits - most of the time, these 'nasties' get onto your machine because you've got into bad habits, and click on 'OK' by rote, rather than actually thinking about what's happening (I know - I've been there!).You need to make sure that your security settings are high enough to be effective, without being so high that you get in the habit of over-riding them. HTH - and good luck.-- Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi | CrashFixPC | The Three-toed Sloth
October 25th, 2010 3:46am

Thanks for your commentsYou are correct about my surfing habits I will reform. One question about your advice on useing Malware byets is that I have seen posts on various sites I think from Malware byes people saying not to use Malware byets in safe mode?.What is the correct way to go on this ..Also only one user on my system so do I go the route you suggest?.
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October 26th, 2010 5:12pm

"joecare32" wrote in message news:4060ca81-2a9e-4968-a4f2-0dedb5f0df4c...Thanks for your commentsYou are correct about my surfing habits I will reform. One question about your advice on useing Malware byets is that I have seen posts on various sites I think from Malware byes people saying not to use Malware byets in safe mode?.What is the correct way to go on this ..Also only one user on my system so do I go the route you suggest?.The usual recommendation is to use the program in normal mode - but some infestations are resistant to removal in Normal Mode, so it can be necessary to run in Safe Mode to ensure removal.The scan in Safe mode tends to be a little slower - but I've never found that it misses anything that is later found in Normal Mode.AFAIK, MalwareBytes recommends running the Quick Scan, rather than the Full scan - I prefer to run the Full scan in the main user account, and a Quick scan on all other accounts. I suspect that the reason for the recommendation is that a full scan can take a lot of time on a large system with many files (I know that it can take upwards of three hours on this machine, for instance), and some people will tend to cancel the run, rather than let it finish, which can lead to missing detections.-- Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi | CrashFixPC | The Three-toed Sloth
October 26th, 2010 6:14pm

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